Makikihi Fries

Services: Website, Photography, Video
Web address:

Project info

Makikihi Fries is totally New Zealand owned and operated and has been producing delicious fries for over 40 years. SPF came on board to help redesign their website including taking new product photographs and shooting a promotional video for the home page.

For the website we really tried to emphasise the values of the company, their pride in being NZ owned and operated and the focus on producing premium, high quality fries. We did this by creating a site that is clean and professional but not so corporate that it looses the local produce vibe that we were so keen to capture. This was achieved by pairing high end photography and videography with colours typically associated with artisan eateries. We also were careful to use language and terminology that was friendly and welcoming as a way of feeling more approachable that larger competitors.

The friendly local supplier feel was emphasised by the use of a fun font ‘Kreon Serif’. The font was chosen as it is not only enjoyable to read and friendly but because it also looks squared and cut up a bit like the straight cut fries Makikihi Fries produce. This subtle detail one of the things that really elevates this website and makes it a user friendly, informative and fun website to visit.


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