The Meridian Twizel Hard Labour Weekend had its background back in 1985 when a half marathon was started as a fundraiser for kids sport. It has morphed through a number of different events at different sites to what they have today – three events (mountain bike, kayak and off-road run) over two days. We were tasked with creating a dynamic, action packed website that really sold the event. We used a combination of beautiful photos and rugged textures and overlays to give an ‘outdoorsy’ feel. We were inspired by the sporting icons used in the Olympics to depict each sport and recreated our own icons to depict, cycling, kayaking and running. These icons were used for navigation and decoration. We used a bold, aggressive font that is widely used by outdoor companies and has become a staple in the industry, along with vibrant colour choices. These important details are what help give the website atmosphere and setting.
The website was also used as a platform to showcase the event sponsors, so we spent time resizing and recolouring sponsor logos to create a stylish sponsor page which helps give the impression of a professional, large scale event.